Acting & Improvisation

Find your voice - Find your tribe - Find your fire -

Find your voice - Find your tribe - Find your fire -

Weekly Classes - Adult 17+ - £7pw

Acting & Improvisation

Our weekly acting & improvisation classes are targeted at those wishing to enhance and explore their craft.

Sessions are streamed into beginner and intermediate experience levels and students are given the opportunity to work in depth with our tutors to gain knowledge and understanding of their abilities, barriers and development as a performance artist and actor.

First week FREE
This class is inclusive of our Phoenix Pro curriculum.

Thursday’s 7pm - 8:30pm

Session COntent

  • Improvisation

    Each week students explore the boundaries of improvised performance arts within the realms of the project theme. Exploring tools, techniques and personal development we aim to assist students in their development as with performers and people.

  • Acting

    Students will gain in-depth knowledge and understanding of fundamental acting techniques, character development, stage craft and vocal application.

  • Project Practice

    Each term students will be given a project objective which will accompany and compliment and direct the session study.
    This could include a LARP session, a script study, an improvisational journey or a piece for performance.